Ottawa-Based Mandarin conference interpreter, ATIO-Certified Chinese-English Translator, MAG-Accredited mandarin court Interpreter,

渥太華資深中英持牌筆譯/口譯員 Edward Liu  

  • 安大略省翻譯協會 (ATIO) /新斯科舍省翻譯協會(ATINS)中譯英和英譯中認證筆譯員

  • 安省司法廳(MAG)認證普通話法庭口譯員

  • 加拿大公共服務和採購部國家翻譯局 (Translation Bureau) 註冊中英雙向筆譯員

  • 擁有在加拿大二十多年會議翻譯經驗的普通話資深同聲傳譯員

Certified Chinese-English translator offering high-quality services for business communication needs.

  • 安大略省翻譯協會 (ATIO) /新斯科舍省翻譯協會(ATINS)中譯英和英譯中認證筆譯員

安大略省翻譯協會(ATIO)和 新斯科舍省翻譯協會(ATINS)同為加拿大翻譯協會(CTTIC)的團體會員。本人是上述兩個協會的英譯中和中譯英雙向認證筆譯員(安大略省翻譯協會註冊號2837,新斯科舍省翻譯協會(ATINS)註冊號156)。本人提供的認證翻譯件符合加拿大政府和法院要求,在加拿大境內使用,不需要另外提供公證。

安大略省司法廳(Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General)負責為安省各級法院培訓和提供法庭口譯員。本人是安大略省完全認證的法庭口譯員(註冊號5465),於2011年就為安大略省各級法院以及聯邦稅務法院和最高法院提供普通話的口譯服務。

聯邦翻譯局(Translation Bureau)是加拿大公共服務與採購部內設的翻譯機構。本人是在翻譯局登記註冊的(註冊號809833494PG001)英譯中和中譯英的雙向筆譯員可向聯邦政府提供上述語種方向的筆譯服務。

  • 安省司法廳(MAG)認證普通話法庭口譯員

  • 加拿大公共服務和採購部國家翻譯局 (Translation Bureau) 註冊中英雙向筆譯員


1. 認證筆譯:包括駕照、出入境記錄、身份證、公民證、交管所證明、護照、出生證、畢業證、學歷證、成績單、資格證、戶口本、房產證、結婚證、離婚證、無犯罪記錄證明、工作證明、資產證明、完稅證明、銀行回單、醫療單據、死亡證明等;

2. 留學論文筆譯:簡歷、留學申請書、推薦信、邀請函、課程作業、學術論文等;

3. 商務文件筆譯:公司章程、股東會協定、股權轉讓協定、營業執照、公司登記(備案)申請書、企業或個人網站、產品介紹、廣告宣傳資料等;

4. 法律文件筆譯:法院判決書、婚前協定、遺囑、合同協定、授權委託書等;

5. 各類口譯:醫療看病、商務洽談、律師取證、法庭辯論、會議同傳等。

關於其他語種服務,請發郵件至 edwardliu@kinglytranslations.com查詢。君臨翻譯公司(Kingly Translations)是由一家由獲得加拿大各省認證的多語種筆譯員和口譯員元件的團隊,我們提供專業的筆譯和口譯服務,專注于文檔翻譯、網站當地語系化、桌面排版、多媒體、轉錄、配音、口譯和諮詢服務。





Ottawa-Based Certified Chinese-English Translator/Interpreter Edward Liu

As an Ottawa-based seasoned professional Chinese linguist, I am an English-Chinese & Chinese-English translator certified by the Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario, Canada (ATIO) and the Association of Translators and Interpreters of Nova Scotia (ATINS). I am also a Mandarin interpreter accredited by the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG).

man writing on paper
man writing on paper
laptop computer on glass-top table
laptop computer on glass-top table
Other Languages:

For other language combinations, please email with your files to request a quote. Kingly Translations is a professional translation service offered by a group of top-notch multi-lingual linguists and translators. We specialize in document translation, website localization, desktop publishing, multimedia, transcription, voiceover, and consulting services.

Translation & Interpretation Services:

Certified translation, court and conference interpretation, website translation, software localization, desktop publishing, transcription, subtitling and voiceover in Chinese (both simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese) and English

Edward Liu provided exceptional translation services for our business. His attention to detail and professionalism were top-notch. Highly recommend his services!

Satisfied Customer

a tree filled with lots of purple and green flowers
a tree filled with lots of purple and green flowers


Professional Chinese-English translator/interpreter Edward Liu based in Ottawa, providing expert translation and interpretation services.

Company website: Kingly Translations